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qq个性签名女生英语 Write

发布时间:2022-04-21 19:10:01源自:https://www.chinawenhui.net作者 :说说控阅读(760)

1、There is always someone who lives in his heart,but says goodbye in his life. 总有一个人一直住在心里,却告别在生活里。

2、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon! 我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃!

3、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. If I know what love is, it is becaus

4、But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消

5、Time will tell you, the more ordinary company, the more long-term. 时间会告诉你,越是平凡的陪伴,就越长久。

6、Time to get close to become welcome. 时间把亲密变成客气。

7、The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person. 世上最短的咒语,是一个人的名字


8、I just want to be free in my world. 我只想在我的世界里,自由自在。

9、With a cup of pure water, face a lifetime of complex. 用一杯水的单纯 面对一辈子的复杂。

10、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。

11、I thought that who can always catch your heart. 我以为能一直拿稳你的心。

12、And then deep memory, also has forgotten the day. 再深的记忆,也有淡忘的一天。

13、Graciousness, this time is really you are not right, lets me fall in love with you. 恩,这次真是你不对,让我爱上你。

14、借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

15、While the sun is shining, strive to run, try to smile。 当太阳正好努力奔跑试图微笑。

16、Every parting, it is a feast to the pain. 每一次的离别,都是一场伤痛盛宴。

17、If equal affection cannot be , let the more loving be me. 【vs】 如果我们没有相等的爱,那就让我多爱一些吧。

18、Don't hold me to when you are the only audience 【不要憋着我可以当你唯一的听众】

19、Reality is reality too. 是现实太现实。

20、The status quo

21、Time is a bird for ever on the wing、 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。

22、They say love is for fools, I say am happy to be a fool because of you... 为了你,我愿意做一个爱情傻瓜。

23、Love will tear us apart. 是爱将我们分开

24、Do the most true to yourself, will mee. 做最真实的自己,才会遇到最该遇见的那个人。

25、Write poems for you, stand still for you, do the impossible for you. Write the voices of lovers. 为你写诗,为你静止,为你做不可能的事。

26、You can't expect him to be perfect.nobody is

27、I always forget to tell you that how lucky I am to encounter you. 一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你。

28、A relationship built on lies won't last. 建立在谎言上的感情无法长久。

29、Your words are full of enthusiasm too (开始太热情把话都说尽)

30、Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful. 每一样东西东西都会在对的时间出现,请怀着耐心和感恩去等待

31、When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better

32、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is

33、Love,It would have to be to you. [爱,它只属于你]

34、Never forget that you are loved. (永远不要忘记你是被爱的)

35、我的名字那么短 为何放你心里这么难My name is so short, why is it so hard in your heart

36、Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

37、Not to be lonely and huen dyed was greatly. 不要让孤单 ,渲染了寂寞。

38、C. ΒaΒyYou canmake me Feel th way (彼年豆蔻,谁许谁兲荒地老〕

39、She is charming because she is good at being herself. 她很迷人,因为她很擅长做她自己。

40、To convert defeat into victory. 反败为胜。

41、Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be. 接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。

42、A hedge between keeps friendship green

43、Lost In dreams and reality. 【vs】 在梦想和现实中迷失了。

44、I've tried my last bit of energy, just as you bloomed sunflower smile 我用尽最后一丝力气,只为你绽放向日葵一样的笑容

45、No matter how strong you are,someone will always be your fatal. 无论你有多坚强,总有人是你的致命伤。

46、I pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假装无所谓才看不到心被拧碎。

47、While there is life there is hope 一息若存,希望不灭。

48、Love understands love; it needs no talk.相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。

49、When the heart starts functioning for someone, the brain starts malfunctioning too much. 当一颗心开始为某人运转,大脑功能就开始大面积失灵。

50、Nothing has gonna change my love for you. 【vs】 没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

51、Life to this person, not easy, love each other to old, not greasy. 一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。

52、Not to be lonely and huen dyed was greatly

53、It's only f

54、All our memories,bowing in the wind.我们的记忆,随风飘去。

55、Life gives you everything , you have to keep going.生活给你什么你都得接着。

56、I love you a whole had(我爱你整整一个曾经。)

57、But like it , do not be an exaggeration to love

58、Don't fucking every enthusiastic about, don't favour any indifference. 不要亏待每一份热情,不要讨好任何的冷漠。

59、Sooner or later, I will be wearing canvas shoes into the door of my ideal school. 我迟早会穿着帆布鞋踏入我理想学校的大门。

60、Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. 时间能治愈一颗受伤的心,但时间也会碾碎一颗等待的心。

61、Bye...I love you so much still with no regret. 再见了。我那么那么爱你,一点也不遗憾。

62、Like the sun because it’s warm, warm heart went to unknown pain. .喜欢阳光是因为它很暖,暖到了心底,暖去了不知名的疼痛。

63、Don't cry for pain, do not feel. Don't ask, do not expect. 不喊痛,不一定没感觉。不要求,不一定没期待

64、Love,living things,is you let me know! 爱情,扯淡的东西,是你让我懂得!

65、If you do not leave me.I will by your side until the life end你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。

66、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

67、The end of the summer, the who. Memory such as a line, who stumbled 那年夏末,负了谁。记忆如线,绊了谁。

68、My Darling Baby Darling Darling Missing You

69、In this farewell to the era, everywhere hate the feeling of loneliness. 在这个告别的时代,讨厌到处都是孤独的感觉。 If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets. 如果你能记住我,全世界忘了我又如何。

70、I missed a lot of. It left a bitch 我错过了很多,却留下了贱货。

71、Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget. 越是试图忘记,越是记得深刻。

72、Your smile lik

73、旧人已经辜负了你,你又何必再辜负时光。(Old people have failed you, why should you fail time again)

74、Sloth tarnishes the edge of wit懒散能磨去才智的锋芒。

75、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving. ——爱情并不需要你处处完美,但需要你变得宽恕。

76、There's always a bit of something hidden when you say "nothing". 每次当你说“没事”的时候,心里多少都藏着点事。

77、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

78、I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开

79、Lashes and diamonds ATM machines(精致的妆容 闪亮的钻石 在取款机前耀眼无比)

80、True love never gets old -真正的爱情永远不会变老 -

81、"Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete. 生活就是前进,接

82、There is no remedy for love but to love more. 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

83、No hurry,the best always appears accidentally. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

84、Do not let dream just be your dream

85、Nevermind,I will find someone like you. 没关系,我会找到某个像你的他。

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