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qq英文幸福个性签名 The

发布时间:2022-04-17 01:30:02源自:https://www.chinawenhui.net作者 :说说控阅读(572)

1、i would never leave when you needs me most. 当你最需要我的时候,我就在你身边。

2、You are not happy to bully me, anyway, I like you. 【vs】 你不开心就欺负我好咯 反正我那么喜欢你

3、I was hanging on your words like I am sixteen. 情窦初开般仍执着于你的承诺。

4、Let's not fall in love 我们不要相爱了

5、No expectations, no disappointments. 没有期望,就不会失望。

6、I'm holding memories through the four seasons but not to the heart. 我抱着回忆走过四季却等不到心的归期

7、‘Let time to my deep love man.’

8、The only good luck in my life is to meet you. 这辈子唯一的好运全部用来遇见你。

9、My youth have you, no love is also sweet . 我的青春有了你, 没有爱情也甜蜜。

10、When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。


12、Out of sight heart not to read. 眼不见心不念。

13、Thanked you to come, was very regrettable you to get out of the way. 谢谢你曾经来过,很遗憾你还是走。

14、The most painful thing is when someone you can't live without, can live without you. 最痛苦的一件事情是,你无法离开的那个人,却可以离开你。

15、你非要我满眼失望的看着你. You want me to look at you disappointed

16、I also look forward to only later did not result. 我也憧憬过 只是后来没结果。

17、I may not be perfect,but l`m always me. 我可能不是完美,但我却是独一无二的。

18、I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你不是因你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。


19、Memory is full of you 回忆里全是你。

20、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!

21、If through time, through love .倘若看透时光看透爱

22、My heary got lost in your word. 我的心迷失在你的世界。

23、You mean more to me than anything else. 人世间有百媚千红,唯有你是我情之所钟。

24、Holding too tightly will not be boring no gap. 抱太紧会不会令人生厌毫无空隙。

25、Only one, you are my only faith 唯你是我唯一的信仰。

26、Heart if tiredly, tears too dry. Ok, we will bemeeting scattered now. 心若倦了、泪也干了。好吧、我们就就此散了吧。

27、Life is measured by thought and action not by time. 衡量生命的尺度是思想和行为,而不是时间。

28、I don’t want to be the third wheel. 我不想当电灯泡。

29、Quartier des fleurs, à Face résiduelle rire, rire les gens du commun . 一季花落,落满地,一脸残笑,笑苍生。

30、Every breath is a pain when i miss you(想念是会呼吸的痛)

31、The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

32、Love is love is love wrong youth

33、I said it's too late to apologize , it's too late. 我说,对不起已是太迟,太迟。

34、I just want to use I this lifetime to love you——我只想用我这一辈子去爱你。

35、Take the luggage for you but don't know the direction. 带上行李寻你 却不知方向。


37、A person to travel, perhaps to meet the most really own. 一个人的旅行,或许才能遇见最真的自己。

38、Can laugh about people who breathe naturally also be crying quietly. 能笑到快要断气的人自然也可以哭得无声无息。

39、Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。

40、The people who know you are worthy of the rest of your life

41、I can't help looking for you at last.Use good night instead of I really miss you. 最后还是忍不住找你 用晚安代替我真的想你。

42、There is no remedy for love but to love more. single is simple,double is trouble. 一个人是孤单,两个人是麻烦。

43、既然不能在一起,命运为什么安排相遇。 Since we can not be together, why the fate of the encounter

44、Get out of here 。 自作自受

45、Old love, new love, between love and be loved, it is a misery. 旧爱、新欢,爱与被爱之间,就是一场苦难。

46、Loneliness is before two people meet the agreed. 孤单是两个人相遇之前的约定。


48、The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have. 真正富有的人,是那些懂得享受自己所拥有的人。

49、Your smile is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. 你的微笑是我这辈子见过最可爱的东西

50、Goodbye my almost lover. 再见了,我无缘的爱人。

51、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted

52、Out of all your lies ,I love youwas my favorite. 在你所有的谎言里面,“我爱你”是

53、If you're nice to me,I'll be nice to you,simple as that. 你对我好,我自然也会对你好。就是这么简单。

54、Stay up late and you're far away. 【vs】 熬夜的瘾和遥远的你。

55、Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry. 有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事。

56、If I could turn back the clock, I would turn around when I met you. 如果时光可以倒流,遇见你的刹那我一定掉头就走。

57、Give up worrying about what others think of you、 What they think isn’t important、 What is important is how you feel about yourself。 不用在乎别人对你的看法,别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎样看待自己。

58、All happiness, from now on 一切的幸福,从现在开始

59、The more you care for someone, the less you understand him. 越是在乎的人,你就越是猜不透。

60、I never lack love, the person I love, is you.我从来都不缺爱,只是希望爱我的那个人 ,是你

61、Almost could not help but shed tears several times, but do not know what to feel. 好几次差点忍不住的落泪,却不知道感触些什么。

62、Dread is produced by a powerlessness

63、I tired you can not see my broken heart you can not hear. 我的累你看不见 我心碎你听不见。

64、Save your heart for someone who cares.(把心留给在乎你的人吧。)

65、I have nothing but you.我除了你什么都没有

66、You're a diamond, dear. They can't break you. 亲爱的,你是一颗钻石,任何人都无法让你破碎。

67、I love you for my life past 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。

68、No hurry,the best always appears accidentally. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

69、You left in peace, and left me in pieces. 你安然离去,我碎了一地。

70、I do not follow, I live is always all you want. (我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的)

71、Any unhappy is a waste of time.——任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

72、I like a lot of people. But I only love you .我可以喜欢很多人,但我只爱你一个

73、知道ABCDEFG是什么意思吗 A boy can do everythings for girl(一个男孩可以为一个女孩做任何事情)

74、Live your own story, others don't need you. 过好自己吧 别人的故事不需要你了。

75、Choose one will lose one

76、And when you're gone, I'll destroy everything you ever loved. 等你死后。我会毁掉你所爱的一切

77、I am waiting for the wind waiting for you, too. 白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。

78、For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy. 在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过。

79、The most painful but one person was a man. 最痛不过一人始一人终。

80、Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don’t have one. 不想伤心最好的办法就是假装自己没心没肺。

81、We do not give up fade from the memory. Does not give up the time. 我们都舍不得淡忘。舍不得时光。

82、There is only one me in this world 在

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