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发布时间:2022-05-29 07:10:01源自:https://www.chinawenhui.net作者 :说说控阅读(666)

1、We first met location, it was named: miss. 我们初次相遇的地点,把它取名叫:怀念。

2、I only follow my heart when my head approves. 我只在理智允许的情况下,追随自己的心。

3、distance makes the hearts grow fonder

4、Not a bit of effort, which come to life不努力一点哪来的一辈子

5、No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and fight for your dreams. 无论你现在感觉如何,请起床、穿好衣服然后为你的梦想而奋斗。

6、He that can’t endure the bad, will not live to see the good. 忍不了痛苦,就见不到幸福. If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic 如果一切都是戏。我们何必演的那么逼真。

7、I prefer forever to everday

8、Life doesn't get easier, yo

9、Do I myself, is the best show。

10、Paper plane fly farther take away my heart. 纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。


12、Know that I will live in my heart 深知我者才久居我心

13、Behind every successful woman is herself. 每个成功女人的背后都是她自己。

14、You go to, or worry that you will go

15、Young time we have not expected, in a hurry a wrong body, on error this life. 年少时的我们未曾料到,匆匆一个错身,就错失了今生。

16、You can do it too!你也做得到!

17、★The farce is over and the rest of the life is not sent.闹剧已终,余生不送

18、I am already grown up, I just get older. 我已经长大了,我正在变老。——《这个杀手不太冷》

19、An birds do not know the sea. 囚鸟不知海。

20、I want to cherish me feel important. 我想要珍惜 我觉得重要的东西。

21、I am convinced that life is what happens to me and how I react to it. 我相信,生活的是发生在你身上的偶然事件,剩下的是你对这些事件所采取的态度。

22、Do the most true to yourself, will mee. 做最真实的自己,才会遇到最该遇见的那个人。

23、The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.(被风吹散的思念,卷起不羁的时间)

24、The distance between your dreams and reality is called action. —— 梦想和现实之间的那段差距,叫做行动。

25、Can we still be friends? Just like before. 我们还能做朋友吗?就像从前一样 。

26、The man I loved has all the warmth. 我喜欢的人啊,他有一身的温暖。

27、When the world abandoned me, I still say, at least you当全世界将我抛弃,我仍会说 至少还有你

28、Always waiting for you.总是在这里等着你


29、They have a loving person, password and my password only my own. (他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。)

30、I iust rely on memory. 我只依赖这记忆存在。

31、Reason tells you to do something new and encourage you to fight for the last time. 理智告诉你多此一举 情感怂恿你最后一搏。

32、We pass the time, or time passed us?---是我们路过了时间,还是时间路过了我们?

33、Memory is the hourglass of time, slowly become memories of old. 回忆是时间的沙漏,回忆慢慢变的苍老。

34、Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it'll happen. 凡事不要心急。时间对了,要来的总会来。

35、I hope you will not cold not irritable mood not me you have to live well. 希望你好不会感冒不会心情烦躁没我你要过得很好.。

36、Do not leave, do not leave, do not care about. 带不走的别留下,留不下的别牵挂。

37、The night deep dark blue eyes 深夜深巷那双深蓝色的眼睛。

38、Don't let someone else's words take away your happiness today. 不要因为别人的一句话而夺走你今天的快乐。

39、Because I like, so reluctantly, not so much why. 因为喜欢,所以情愿,没有那么多为

40、I never told you, I wanna hold

41、Let your past make you better, not bitter. 让你的过去推动你更多成长,而不是增添更多怨恨。

42、Sometimes, I feel like a little girl who needs protection. 有时候,我觉得自己跟个小女孩似的,渴望有人保护。

43、Happiness is, adhesion of the person you like, never think you boring. 幸福是,你喜欢粘着的那个人,永远都不嫌你烦。

44、Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties

45、If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lose. 如果你想要却不去拼搏,那么失去了你就别哭泣。

46、I have always loved you,but you do not know. 【vs】 一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。

47、I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong 我总是口是心非以至于你认为我很坚强

48、The thing lost and found again no initial value. 失而复得的东西不会有最初的珍贵。

49、I will follow you to the end of time. 我会随你到时间的尽头。

50、When I wronged you don't talk to me the most I am afraid of a tear. 我最委屈的时候你别搭理我我怕一张口就是眼泪。

51、Since we can not be together, why the fate of the encounter. 既然不能在一起,命运为什么安排相遇。


52、Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives. 做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。

53、You can't change the weather, but you can change your mood. 你不能左右天气,但你能转变你的心情。

54、Will there be that one day, you left me

55、I have changed?I did not change,beginner's mind never change. 我变了?我没变,初心未曾改变。

56、Love is a carefully designed lie. 愛情 是壹個精心設計的謊言。

57、The journey with was worth the fall

58、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

59、You will not be the same as I think you want me. 你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

60、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福只需要四步:你、我、我们的

61、[ Out water slide with a smile ] 微笑着凭眼角流水滑落

62、I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by. 我想随着一天天过去,我对你的思念也在一天天淡。

63、Say good give up say good beginnings. 说好的放弃说好的绝口不提。

64、Do not find excuses for failure, to chase success reasons!! 不要找失败的借口,去追成功的理由!

65、He has been away from me, only the tube near to him. 他已经离我而去,仅管他近在咫尺。

66、Somewhere only we know 有一个地方只有我们知道

67、Death is so final.Whereas life,ah life is so full of possibilities.死了什么都没了而活着就有无限可能

68、For you, I have only to remember the identity of strangers. 对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。

69、I have always been with you。 我会一直待在你的身旁。

70、Would you like to grow mulberry and hemp with me? 你可愿淡饭粗茶,陪我种桑植麻?

71、If you do not want to embrace, then learn to be strong. 如果没有想要的拥抱,那就先学会坚强。

72、Paper plane fly farther take away my heart. 【vs】 纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。

73、Don't fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you. 不是怕你丢弃,只是怕失去你。

74、You came into my mind that a maze with no exit.你走进了我心里那个没有出口的迷宫。

75、Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if you're the only one fighting 感情或者友情都是值得为之努力的,但如果努力的只有你一个人,就另当别论了。

76、If through time, through love [倘若看透时光看透爱]

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