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发布时间:2022-05-02 13:10:01源自:https://www.chinawenhui.net作者 :说说控阅读(690)

1、Shout it from the sea. 来自深海的呼喊。

2、With a forced laugh,only oneself know how tired . 勉强笑着,只有自己知道有多累。

3、You had your dream stories with me?

4、You left in peace, and left me in pieces. 【vs】 你安然离去,我碎了一地。

5、Don't rush and never settle. If it's meant to be, it will be. 无需匆忙,不要将就,缘分到了,就一定会在一起。

6、Unless it is otherwise you all love is sad. 除非是两情相悦否则所有喜欢都是心酸。

7、你也曾经妄想抓住十几岁的爱情吧You also dreamed of catching teenage love

8、A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 对一颗不快乐的心来说,一个静静的拥抱就是千言万语。

9、Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness. 爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。

10、When I close my eyes...all I see is you

11、My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there

12、Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh . 笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来。

13、愿你永不举 Pour que ce ne

14、After that, we, scattered. 之后,我们,散了吧。

15、Have a good first now will have in the future. ( 先过好现在才会有未来.)

16、Hope never abandons you;you abandon it. 希望从来不会放弃你,是你放弃了希望。

17、I only smile very joy, sorrow will not be see. 我只有笑的很欢,忧伤才不会被看穿。

18、I am not just want you to stand by me,maybe. 我不是非你不可 只是也许 。

19、I will be much better than the man I used to be 我会比以前的我表现更好。

20、Don't worry about the past, only laugh for the rest of your life. 不为往事扰,余生只愿笑。

21、Flowers and the world, a leaf pursue. One a sigh, life for the people

22、It is never too late to start again.重头

23、Is you insufficiently rigid, I give you insufficiently pr

24、First love is unforgettable all one is life. 初恋是永生难忘的。

25、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams. 【vs】 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人

26、Smile, Because you’re beautiful; stand strong, Because haters can't bring you down. 微笑吧,因为你笑起来很美丽;保持坚强吧,因为这样谁都不可以打倒你。

27、Don't say you don't. 别说以后你不在

28、Don't want to upset, don't want to cry, don't wonder who shouldn't see. 不想难过,不想流泪,就不要去好奇那些不该看的东西。

29、Tears are no color of blood. 眼泪是没有颜色的血。

30、He now only live in my memory. 他如今只活在我的记忆里。

31、All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. 生活的艺术在于:好好把握,每一次的放手与坚持。

32、I am only interested what belongs to me

33、No one even lives lost nor will I lose. (会不会有人就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉。)

34、Life may always have regret, but the future is still good. 生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好。

35、I will always love you.[我将会永远爱你]。

36、A good beginning is half done

37、I still love you just less than to be together.我还爱着你 只不过少了非要在一起的执着

38、Thank you, so busy, also come to hurt me. 谢谢你,那么忙,还亲自来伤害我。

39、Take control of your own desting

40、While someone breaks your heart, another someone is waiting to fix it. 当有人伤了你的心,一定会有另一个人在等着为你修补。

41、I only want to be myely. 我只想做我自己。

42、Trying to live up to what you like. 努力是为了不辜负你的喜欢

43、Out water slide with a smile. 微笑着凭眼角流水滑落

44、Vulnerable to mention that I do not what kind of love 我又不脆弱何况那算什么伤。

45、I was a lazy feeling only you. 我是个懒人感情也只图个安稳。

46、No words are necessary betw

47、All the family join me in wishing you a happy future

48、Suddenly felling you strange, strange that I couldn't recognize it. 突然感觉你好陌生,陌生到我都认不出来了。

49、The most powerful people in the heart are those who shoulder the weight of the surface is very indifferent people. 最强大的人是那些在内心扛住千斤重,表面却很淡然的人。

50、Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you. 我们之间仅隔一步,而我却不能迈向你。

51、ILove is a dashed line, we in different paragraph.爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落。

52、Do not waste time with regret. 别把时间都浪费在后悔上了。

53、We are not perfect people, but we have to accept their own imperfections. 我们都不是很完美的人,但我们要接受不完美的自己。

54、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud. 你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲。

55、Sometimes you have to be your own hero. ——有时候,你必须做自己的英雄。

56、Life gives you everything , you have to keep going.生活给你什么你都得接着。

57、I'm working toward the slice of the unknown future step away, never stop . 我正在努力的朝着那片未知的将来举步而去,从未停下。

58、People cry, not because they're weak It's because they've been strong for too long. 哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因坚强了太久。

59、Not worry so much about do not care about it. 不是不在乎而是太在乎。

60、The last love is letting go 。 最后旳疼爱是手放开。

61、One day when others to mention your name I can face expressionless to saydon't know. 总有一天当别人说起你名字的时候我可以面无表情的说句不认识。

62、Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼泪使他心软了。

63、Hello, I'm walking slowly. I wish you happiness, but also I lonely. 你好好过,我慢慢走。祝你幸福,还我孤独。

64、If we hug a little tighter, our hearts will be a little closer. 拥抱再紧一点点,心就会再近一点点。

65、The farthest way is the way to your heart. 最远的路是通往你内心的方向。

66、You born different, destined to not drown in the crowd. 你天生与众不同,注定不会淹没在人群中。

67、Use your smile to change the world、 Don't let the world change your smile、 用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。

68、If you do not have to close the strange thing this is not difficult to accept. 如果不曾亲近那陌生本不是件难以接受的事。

69、Just this I finally gave up the chase for you, I decided to let you free. 就在刚刚我终于放弃了对你的追逐,我决定放你自由。

70、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one. 过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

71、Nobody could ever replace you. 谁也替代不了你

72、Love you So I believe in you. 因为爱你 所以我相信你。

73、They live on, even when we're gone

74、Even if he gave me a packet of poison and I can smile, do not hesitate to swallow. 就算他给我一包毒药我也能面带微笑毫不犹豫吞下去。

75、When I was a child, was buried the

76、What makes life dreary is the want of motive. -- George Eliot 没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。

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